input_data: This folder contains input files for running the various scripts.
baseline_config.txt: This file contains the configuration for +Grid connectivity, as follows:
data_cities: This folder contains the traffic matrix
city_pairs_rand_5K.txt: A random subset of city pairs
constellation_<config>: This folder contains constellation specific files, the options are 40_40_53deg, kuiper_p1, and starlink_p1
data_sat_position/sat_positions_0.txt: Contains the satellite positions at epoch - <sat_id>,<orbit_id>,<sat_id_relative_to_orbit>,<latitude>,<longitude>,<altitude_in_km>
data_coverage/city_coverage_0.txt: The set up city-satellite up/down links at epoch - <city_id>,<sat_id>,<length_in_km>
data_validISLs_<max_isl_length>/valid_ISLs_0.txt: The set of valid ISLs constrained by the maximum allowed length - <sat_1_id>,<sat_2_id>,<length_in_km>
output_data: This folder contains output data already generated by provided scripts.
output_data_generated: This folder is used by the provided scripts to output data.
This figure plots average stretch versus average hop count for various single motifs for the 402 uniform constellation.
scripts: Holds scripts to run the motif analysis Generates time varying constellation satellite positions based on configuration. Generates constellation satellite positions for a specific time instant. Generates all motifs for the 402 53° inclined constellation; can be trivially modified to run for other constellations. Generates all 3-zone multi-motifs for the 3 different constellations.
Python scripts: Called from the bash scripts above.